Labels:bridge | bus | crt screen | dialog box | door | monitor | plant | road | sky | stairs | train | tree | waterfall | window | windowpane OCR: ReaCer Pro untitled Script Secting Ope Lagug He Step 1 - Seiect fler Step2-Choco actione Step 3 Specily save Second an action pet peraneters. and add t action to a ci List ol ponale actions Seriot [Retie Remgv Retice Move Ue P Pecentage Move Down Test Action O Ue both heigh ndwidt Tet Sipt OU height n opect Wid 100 upn OUe both height and widt fkeep aspect Do n Undo last Heighe Wiat Add action to S crigt Apoly to test Coy to Clipbrd Press IFi1 for heb ReaCanverter Operations LarguNgeS Helb Step3 porameter possible Seript Peroentage andwidth Scipt andwih keep atpect Retiev Update ction Sigt Acoly